A Comparative Study on The Influence of Three Delivery Positions On Pain Intensity During Second Stage Of Labour Among Primigravida Mothers


  • G. Sathiyabama*, D. Anitha, R. Sindhu Priya Author


primigravida mothers, ,labour, second stage, lithotomy position,pain intensity.


Background Of the Study ;Women's health is under the influence of biological, social, economic, cultural, and bioenvironmental factors, and is affected by their fertility and motherhood role, especially in the age of 15–45 years. The physiological transaction from pregnancy to motherhood occurs in each woman physically and psychologically. It is a time when every system in the body is affected. The cervix was firm and closed becomes soft and dilatable and life-giving force pervades the women’s body. The birthing position adopted by woman is influenced by several factors

 The aim of study was to assess the effect of 3delivery  positions on pain intensity during second stage. Maternal & Fetal parameters was assessed in terms of Frequency of uterine contractions, Duration of uterine contraction, Intensity of uterine contraction, Fetal heart rate, Total duration of second stage of labour, Nature of delivery. Women's health during this period is effective on family members’ and children's long-term health.

Methodology; A quantitative research approach with descriptive cross sectional study research design was adopted for the present study. In samples, 60 primigravida mothers  at second stage of labour were selected by using convenient sampling technique who meet the inclusion criteria. Out of 60 samples, 20 samples were in lithotomy, 20 samples were in squatting, and 20 samples were in sitting positions. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect the background variable and severity of pain by measured by numeral scale [visual analogue scale (VAS)] and verbal scale of McGill [present pain intensity (PPI)].

Results and Discussion ;. The study shows that the mean and standard deviation of level of pain intensity in three delivery position among antenatal women. The mean score for lithotomy position is (10.70), squatting position is (8.90) and sitting position is (9.74) and standard deviation score for lithotomy position is (1.91), squatting position is (2.49) and sitting position is (1.93). The calculated independent ‘t’ test value of t = 2.497 was found to be statistically significant at p<0.05 level.

Conclusion ;This clearly indicates that there was significant difference in the level of pain intensity between lithotomy, squatting and sitting position in which antenatal women with squatting position has mild pain during second stage of labour.


