Monitoring of low birth weight infants
extremely low birth weight infants; ELBWI; very low birth weight infants; VLBWI; normal birth weight infants; premature infants; intravenous nutrition; survival rate; neonatal mortality; hyaline membrane diseaseAbstract
Low birth weight in-fant (LBWI) below 2500g includes very low birth weight infant (VLBWI) below 1500g and ultra-low birth weight below 1000g Infants (Extremely low birth weight infant, ELBWI). In developed countries in the world, the mortality rate of normal birth weight infants is almost impossible to decrease, so they have enough manpower, material and financial resources to pay attention to LBWI, and the question of whether ELBWI is worth saving is , after years of debate, it has gradually converged to the consensus that it is necessary to save. With the improvement of medical technology and the continuous updating of equipment, even if the birth weight is less than 750g, about 1/3 can survive, and the sequelae are becoming less and less. Those with a birth weight of less than 500g ELBWI survivors are common, and the lowest birth weight survivor is only 280g.